In order to help to make people to know more about Jodith gate valve disc, here are introduction of disks.
We Jodith valves have normally solid wedge and flexible wedge.
See bellow of our sketch of the discs/wedges:
The types of GATE VALVES wedges

Gate valves are available with different disks or wedges. Ranging of the Gate valves is usually made by the type of wedge used.
The most common were:
- Solid wedge is the most commonly used disk by its simplicity and strength. A valve with this type of wedge can be installed in each position and it is suitable for almost all liquids. The solid wedge is a single-piece solid construction and is practically for turbulent flow. This is usually used for high pressure or big sizes valves.
- Flexible wedge is a one-piece disc with a cut around the perimeter to improve the ability to correct mistakes or changes in the angle between the seats. And Jodith valves use this kind most frequently.
The reduction will vary in size, shape and depth. A shallow, narrow cut gives little flexibility but retains strength.
A deeper and wider cut, or cast-in recess, leaves little material in the middle, which allows more flexibility, but compromises strength.
- Split wedge is self-adjusting and self-aligning to both seats’ sides. This wedge type consists of two-piece construction which seats between the tapered seats in the valve body. This type of wedge is suitable for the treatment of non-condensing gases and liquids at normal temperatures, particularly corrosive liquids.
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